Example of use in a specialist textbook publisher

The situation

A specialist textbook publisher faces the challenge of providing its customers and employees with fast and accurate access to specific specialist knowledge. Customers searching for specific topics often have to wait a long time to find the right information or books. At the same time, employees spend a lot of time researching and responding to customer queries, which affects efficiency and productivity.

The example

A middle school teacher wants to provide his students with up-to-date and relevant information on the topic of the impact of plastic waste on marine ecosystems. He visits the publisher's website and uses the customer expert system operated by insaight Expert. The teacher asks his question: "Which reference books contain detailed information on the impact of plastic waste on marine ecosystems?"

The insaight Expert system analyzes the query, it knows all the publisher's content, and identifies two relevant textbooks. Although the titles of these books do not specifically indicate at first glance that they deal with the topic, they contain relevant information in certain chapters. Within a few seconds, the teacher receives the answer: "The books 'Environmental Science: An Introduction' and 'Sustainability and Ecology' deal with the effects of plastic waste on marine ecosystems in chapters 5 and 8 and in chapters 3 and 7 respectively."

The result

For the publisher:
Time savings:
employees need to spend less time responding to customer inquiries as the expert system takes over this task.
Increased productivity: Employees can concentrate on more complex tasks, while repetitive queries are answered automatically.
Improved customer satisfaction: Customers receive immediate answers to their questions, resulting in higher satisfaction and customer loyalty.
More efficient processes: The fast and accurate provision of information reduces errors and improves the efficiency of work processes.

For the customer:
No waiting time:
the teacher gets the information they need within seconds, without having to wait for a staff member to respond.
Better results: The teacher receives accurate and relevant recommendations tailored directly to their request, even if this information is hidden deep within the content of the books.
Easy access to expertise: Using the expert system is intuitive and requires no special training, allowing even less tech-savvy users to benefit.

By using insaight Expert, the textbook publisher can optimize its internal processes and offer its customers significant added value by giving them quick and easy access to specialized technical information, even if this information is hidden deep within the content.